Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Will Smith - Men in Black Music Video

Will Smith: example of synergy and purpose

This video is a clear visual style of the idea of synergy and branding. As the music video includes references to the film ‘men in black’ the music video is an example of synergy because it promotes the movie Men in Black 2. The video combines shots of the artist (Will Smith) and the movie. It also has references to the film by the means of its lyrics.  Both the soundtrack and the film promote each other; this is an ideal form of marketing for a film. It’s a great way to promote both; as the use of tracks played via radio in advance of the film being released provides hours of advertising that is not only free, but brings in money for the company without much effort. 

Will smith, himself could be seen as a brand as he has a wide audience. There will be a fan based for the actor himself, a fan base for the music he has produced and for the films he has starred in. Each of these means that the whole of his audience will go and watch the film allowing an increase in profit to happen. This is one of the many reason film and music industries integrate together and try to use synergy to market their products.

Here is a screenshot showing an example of synergy, here Will smith is advertising the film within the music video. The way he has been placed in the shots shows the audience that he is a 'cool' guy as the way he is posed shows the audience.

Here is another screenshot of Will smith this shows him dressed exactly how he is in the Men in Black film.

Here is the music video for Will Smith - Men In Black:

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